

1.Português(葡萄牙语) 这个单词有没有简写?


Português(葡萄牙语) 这个单词有没有简写?


       但是当说Português Europeu(欧葡)和Português Brazileiro(巴葡)时会分别简写成PE和PB


       你可以用PB来代表Português Brazileiro 也就是Português(Brasil)


       Ferdinand Magellan (real name Ferdinand Magellan, Fern o de Magalh: Portuguese ---- ---- es Fernando de Magallanes; Spanish, spring of 1480 - April 27, 1521), navigators, explorers, colonists, Portuguese and Spanish government for exploration. 1519 - 1521 led a fleet to complete circumnavigate the globe, Magellan died in Philippines on the way in global tribal conflicts. The crew of the ship continued to sail west after his death, returned to Europe and completed the first human voyage around the world.

       斐迪南·麦哲伦(全名费迪南德·麦哲伦,葡萄牙语:Fern?o de Magalh?es ;西班牙语Fernando de Magallanes,1480年春天—1521年4月27日),探险家、航海家、殖民者,葡萄牙人,为西班牙政府效力探险。1519年—1521年率领船队完成环航地球,麦哲伦在环球途中在菲律宾死于部落冲突中。船上的水手在他死后继续向西航行,回到欧洲,并完成了人类首次环球航行。
